The cat says biRRRRRthday because you know, it's a cat.
I'm sorry I think I got a little bit too exited about it, but I don't know, everyone has made me so happy about it these last two days, my friends, my family, and everyone, really, they just brightened the days, and it was not that easy, 'cause yesterday it rained all day and today was still a little cloudy.
I just love everyone that's been there so, so much. I really don't know how they do it, but with nothing special, but at the same time, the most wonderful thing of the whole world, they make me happy. They make me forget about my troubles, abut everything, so my world just brightens every now and then I'm with them. And I think I couldn't be more lucky. I love them. I really love them, and I think I'm not capable of expressing how much I do love them. And even if sometimes I get mad or sad because of them, then, somehow, they do something else, and everything is more brighter than before.
I love them to the bones, and much more. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't have them, because they are such incredible people and I can't be more grateful for that.
They bring joy to my world. They really do.
They make everything sparkle and be like fireworks and I feel like this when I'm with them.
(I don't know why I wrote buuurthday, I was pretty exited when I wrote this and I did not know what I was doing till it was all done, so.. haha The emotions took my hand and wrote it that way, but I like it. IT'S MY BUUUURTHDAY! :))
(I don't know why I wrote buuurthday, I was pretty exited when I wrote this and I did not know what I was doing till it was all done, so.. haha The emotions took my hand and wrote it that way, but I like it. IT'S MY BUUUURTHDAY! :))