Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sant Joan '13

 - We buried the pains singing songs,
and the bonfire flames turn the night into day -

Today it's "La revetlla de Sant Joan" which may translate to St.John's eve, but it's quite a big festivity here. Saying 'hi' to the summer, on the longest day and shortest night of the year. There are bonfires (there were a lot more years ago) and people gather around them and throw fireworks and you stay up as long as your body can take it, and dance and jump and laugh while the fire projects both, light and shadow around you.

It was one of my favourites day of the year back when I was a child, mainly 'cause I had a bonfire just by my house. And it was really big! I have few memories of those days, but they're all so bright! I loved it and I would love it nowadays too, but it's to hard to be next to a bonfire, unless you go to some specific places. Also, we eat. We always eat. It's called 'coca de Sant Joan' and it's pretty tasty, but I don't like it that much.

Anyway, I still pretty much like Sant Joan, and I still think it is trully beautiful, and this year we'll have bright full moon too (that if it stops raining and the clouds go away).

Hope you're welcoming the summer on you own way wherever you are! :)

Here's a link that might explain better Sant Joan down here. Images do explain it better

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