This was not supposed to be named "The Moonlight" but "Claire de Lune" because of Tomita's song, which I'm listening right now. But it happened that when I though of Claire de Lune, I didn't want this, but something a little bit different. And I could not achieve it, not today, but I'll keep on working and trying untill the day I'll be able to post the drawing titled "Claire de Lune".
At any rate, I do like this one for what it is. It's something simple, but I like the idea.
Long time ago when we were studying poetry in school I was told that the moon was seen as a bad symbol. Whenever the moon appeared, something was going wrong. I did not understand that, I actually thought that the teacher would say "the moon means magic, something wonderful and mysterious" but no, it isn't that. So the thing is that I got it all wrong, 'cause I thought, and I still think, that the moon has so much magic with her and love, mystery, even adventures!
I don't know, it's obvious some bad things can happen at night (even the moon has a dark side), that's true, but there are so many other wonderful things happening at night. And so many wonderful landscapes that can be found!
Imagine a lake, at night, with the moon reflected on its pale waters, and there is someone there, looking at those waters as if they were the night sky, and the high trees are all around. Everything seems to be white and blue because of the night and the moonlight, and there is some mysterious magic going on. Why people forget about the magic? It's just so important! magic is all around us. I just wish they could see so.