La llum dels estius que semblaven allargar-se per sempre
La tímida espelma que balla amb la brisa del vespre
La olor de la fusta de pi i la sal a la pell
L'escuma del mar enredant-se entre els teus cabells
La porta del Cèl - Els Catarres
"The light of the summers that seemed to last forever; The shy candle that dances with the evening breeze; The smell of pinewood and the salt on the skin; The sea scum tangling among your hair" tried to translate it.
Some weeks ago I went to see Els Catarres, and could love all their songs but the most beautiful, as we had to leave the show just before it ended, and this was the finale song. Today I was listening to it and couldn't help myself. Also, it was a promise I made, to make a drawing based on their songs. Lately all I do is draw cute couples.
The idea of a summer love is really sweet and heartbreaking when autumn comes, but with autumn maybe the relationship grows on and on. And those dreamy nights of summer might turn into hot chocolate afternoons. Hope you're having a great September.
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