<You better take care of your words, I'm still your Queen!>
I m'han quedat els ulls en blanc de soledat,
Sóc un covard però avui tindré cor de soldat.
Oh les nits que mai s'acaben,
els dies són més curts.
Quan estigui lluny de casa,
sense projectes sense tu.
Canviaran la meva roba, el meu nom, el meu cabell...
..No em pegui, no he nascut per militar
No He Nascut Per Militar - Sau
I drew this the other day (last week actually) and never posted it 'cause I was not in the mood, even though I liked the drawing, I didn't like the idea of posting it on the worng moment. Anyway, I was listening to Sau and No he Nascut Per Militar started playing, and the drawing came to my mind, so I decided I would post it.
So here you have Tora, once again. (You know, my OC that's a Queen and that I guess you don't know much more about her nor the story that "I am writing". That needs being said like that 'cause I haven't wrote a line for two years now. I know, I am ashamed of myself.)
Anyway, she's on her pajama's but ready to fight 'cause something unexpected happened at night time, and even though she's not wearing what a Queen should wear, she's still as powerful and imposing as always. She's not meant to be a sweet character, well, she is sweet, but only for two people in her life. She doesn't know how to care for everyone (obiously she cares about her people, but I'm not talking about that kind of caring), but when she cares about someone, she cares deeply.
Anyway, she's on her pajama's but ready to fight 'cause something unexpected happened at night time, and even though she's not wearing what a Queen should wear, she's still as powerful and imposing as always. She's not meant to be a sweet character, well, she is sweet, but only for two people in her life. She doesn't know how to care for everyone (obiously she cares about her people, but I'm not talking about that kind of caring), but when she cares about someone, she cares deeply.