"Chante Rossignol, chante, toi qui as le coeur gai, tu as le coeur à rire, moi je l'ai à pleurer.."
There's no really meaning of this but that I started thinking of this song when I was thinking of the nightingale I did not include in the drawing, and then it seemed it could sweet, and I really mean it, the image.
I really don't know how this came out. Not that I don't like it or so (I do like it, a lot! It's been such a long time since I don't draw an anatomy I'm alright with, and I did not even look up for references anywhere!) just that it wasn't meant when I started drawing.
I was listening to "Lord of the Flies" by Demis Roussos and thought it would be nice to sketch a little bit the idea of a man sitting by and with a nightingale on his side. So I started and tried to take care of the anatomy, and then I got the idea that the man looked like Jacob Graham, from the Drums, so I started fixing things untill it was him. And I left him alone, sitting on a rock, who knows thinking of what. Maybe he's missing the nightingale I should have drawn.
Now, the fact is that I really like this one, I feel as if it could be part of some story illustrations..