Wednesday, January 9, 2013


While the wind of the night is still pure and the break of dawn far away, close your eyes and feel the luminescence of the world around you. It's fresh and it gets drectly to your heart. It fills you with a strange magical power and you feel capable of it all. 

This is one of those little moments when you feel the world around you and how marvelous it is and you got a feeling that you're gonna live forever and ever and ever!

Just sketching a little bit. Been recently inspired by some wonderful pieces of art, people's words and marvelous videos and interviews and also some great people being simply cute and marvelous to each other and that, all those things feel great, and bring a warm feeling in my heart. And sometimes this is all I need..

This sketch was not even done to be posted, just for myself, to get things out of me, but I like it, I really do, and I wanted to work with colors and softness and everything and not caring that much about anything but the feeling (that's why this wasn't meant to be post). Anyway, hope you don't mind me posting this and as I have not said this before..

Happy new year! Lets hope for some great adventures to come and tons of hapiness and smiles!

PS. love, love, love that quote. When I first read The Secret Garden and I was going through that part tears started falling down my cheek. I thought I would never be able to put into words or find someone who did, that feeling, the way I sometimes feel. But I did. And I will always keep it close to my heart...

PS 2. this drawing is inspired by an old lovely photo (a little bit).

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